Тесты гиа по английскому. Подготовка к огэ

По иностранному языку – один из выборочных экзаменов для девятиклассников. Экзаменацию по данному предмету выбирают многие выпускники средней школы, ведь перспектива попасть в профильный лингвистический класс является довольно заманчивой. Ну а будущее, связанное с использованием иностранного языка в качестве профессионального инструмента, дает шанс на обеспечение хорошего заработка и достойного уровня жизни.

Среди всех иностранных языков, изучаемых современными школьниками, английский удерживает пальму первенства. В этом нет ничего удивительного, ведь именно он признан языком международного делового и дипломатического общения. Практика показывает, что сдать ОГЭ по данному предмету не так уж просто – для хорошей оценки мало заучить основные правила и языковые нормы.

Помимо сдачи письменного экзамена, в 2018 году ученики продемонстрируют свои навыки в аудировании, а также умение говорить на английском языке. Кроме самостоятельной подготовки и работы с репетитором, вам также стоит изучить особенности и структуру билета, понять, как будут выставляться баллы, а также выяснить, какие новшества могут поджидать вас в КИМах 2018 года!

Демонстрационный вариант ОГЭ-2018

Даты ОГЭ по английскому языку

Рособрнадзор уже огласил примерное расписание ОГЭ на 2018 год. Школьники будут сдавать иностранный язык (в том числе и английский) в такие даты:

  • на 28 апреля (суббота) назначена досрочная сдача иностранного языка. Резервным днем встанет 30 апреля 2018 года (вторник);
  • основной ОГЭ состоится 25 мая (в пятницу). Резервным днем для проведения основного ОГЭ станет 20 июня 2018 (среда);
  • дополнительным днем для сдачи иностранного языка будет 14 сентября (пятница). В качестве резерва забронировано 21 сентября 2018 года (пятница).

Изменения в ОГЭ по английскому языку

В 2018 году билеты по английскому языку не подвергались изменениям с точки зрения структуры и содержания. Предметная комиссия сообщает, что единственным новшеством стала смена критериев, по которым будет оцениваться задание номер 33 (написание письма личного характера).

Что входит в КИМ ОГЭ по английскому языку?

Основной целью экзамена является проверка способности девятиклассников осуществлять коммуникации на английском языке. Комиссия проверит ваши навыки в понимании устной речи, умении говорить, читать и писать на английском. Именно ОГЭ определит, готов ли школьник к обучению в старших классах, а также выявит учеников, которые могут быть рекомендованы в 10-11 классы с лингвистическим уклоном. В структуре билета можно выделить две части:

  • письменная часть – разделы билета с первого по четвертый. Ученики покажут свое умение воспринимать речь на слух (аудирование), а также продемонстрируют навыки чтения на английском языке, умение писать и использовать лексико-грамматические навыки. Максимум баллов, который можно набрать за эту часть КИМа, равен 55;
  • устная часть – состоит из одного раздела, в который входят задания из части говорения. Максимум, который можно получить за устную часть билета, равен 15 баллам.

Правильное выполнение всех заданий КИМа дает возможность получить 70 баллов.

Говорение потребует не только знания правил, но и умения поддержать диалог

В большинстве заданий (а именно – в тридцати двух) ученик сможет дать короткий ответ на поставленный вопрос, установив соответствия для множеств, выбрав верный ответ из предоставленного перечня, заполнив пропуски в тексте или преобразовав слова в правильную лексическую форму. Задания с развернутым ответом – это написание личного письма, чтение вслух отрывка научно-популярного текста, ведение диалога с преподавателем и монолог на заданную тему. Весь билет можно структурно разделить на следующие части:

  • аудирование – включает задания на основе фраз, используемых в повседневном общении, информационных текстов и объявлений. Каждый фрагмент звучит около полутора-двух минут и воспроизводится два раза. Сложность заданий тождественна языковому уровню А2;
  • чтение – задания основаны на текстах прагматического, научно-популярного, публицистического и художественного характера. Объем фрагмента составляет от 220 до 600 слов. Сложность заданий отвечает языковому уровню А2;
  • грамматика и лексика – задания, которые проверят глубину понимания школьного материала и умение им оперировать;
  • личное письмо – написание текста объемом не менее 100-120 слов. Письма, в которых менее 90 слов, оцениваться по другим критериям не будут – ученик сразу получит 0 баллов за все задание. Не менее опасно написать слишком большое письмо – если в нем будет более 132 слов, то комиссия проверит только 120 первых слов в работе, а все остальное оставит без внимания;
  • говорение – задания, предполагающие использование нескольких видов лексики. Будьте готовы к тому, что вам придется применить социально-бытовую лексику (рассказать о досуге, отношениях с друзьями, хобби, выдающихся культурных или научных деятелях, проблемах экологии и т.п.), а также лексику из учебно-трудовой сферы (возможен диалог о выборе будущей профессии или роли иностранного языка в разных областях нашей жизни).

Регламент и особенности экзамена

Задания из первых четырех разделов ученик должен будет выполнить за 120 минут. При этом профильная комиссия рекомендует распределять время следующим образом:

  • 30 минут – на аудирование (раздел 1);
  • 30 минут – на задания, проверяющие навыки чтения (раздел 2);
  • 30 минут – на выявление навыков в грамматике и лексике (раздел 3);
  • 30 минут – на написание личного письма и проверку других навыков письменного английского (раздел 4).

На говорение будет отведено 15 минут.

Любые учебники и справочные материалы придется сдать перед началом ОГЭ

Ученикам не разрешается приносить на ОГЭ дополнительные материалы и предметы, которые не имеют отношения к экзамену. Вам можно будет взять с собой только ручку. Все остальные материалы и оборудование предоставляются Рособрнадзором – аудитории будут оснащены техническими средствами, обеспечивающими воспроизведение аудиозаписей, а классы для сдачи говорения оборудуют компьютерной техникой, программами для записи звука и микрофонами, необходимыми, чтобы зафиксировать ответы школьника.

Как первичные баллы переводятся в отметки?

Баллы за экзаменационную работу будут переведены в привычную школьную систему оценок. Шкала перевода выглядит следующим образом:

  • от 0 до 28 баллов – оценка «неудовлетворительно»;
  • от 29 до 45 баллов переводятся в отметку «удовлетворительно» и позволят вам получить аттестат;
  • от 46 до 58 баллов означают, что ученик получит «хорошо»;
  • от 59 до 70 баллов тождественны оценке «отлично».

При распределении учеников в профильные лингвистические классы или поступлении в специализированные лицеи преимущество имеют школьники, набравшие 56 баллов и выше.

Подготовка к ОГЭ по английскому языку

Помните: ни один из иностранных языков, в том числе и английский, невозможно сдать с наскока! Только длительная и грамотная подготовка к ОГЭ даст шанс на успешное прохождение данного испытания. Для начала выявите возможные пробелы в знаниях – для этого нужно скачать и проработать демонстрационные версии КИМов, опубликованные ФИПИ. Демо-версии тестов, файлы для аудирования и кодификатор требований можно найти в начале статьи.

Не забывайте, что знание правил английского языка абсолютно бесполезно, если оно не подкрепляется умением воспринимать речь на слух и говорить на иностранном языке. Для подготовки к аудированию регулярно слушайте аудиокниги и англоязычную музыку, смотрите кинофильмы и телесериалы в оригинальной озвучке (видео с субтитрами лучше не смотреть – строка со словами будет отвлекать ваше внимание от прослушивания речи героев).

Уделите подготовке к ОГЭ достаточно времени – начинать стоит уже в сентябре

Говорение – еще одна проблема для выпускников 9-х классов. Лексика, грамматика и письмо обычно приносят ученикам неплохие баллы, а вот при ведении диалога или монолога многие теряются. Для отработки говорения стоит проигрывать в голове бытовые сценки, вести небольшие диалоги с друзьями, сестрами, братьями, мамами и папами, а также описывать по-английски только что произошедшие с вами ситуации в кино, супермаркетах и автобусах.

Предлагаем пройти еще один тест (тест 3), чтобы оценить свой уровень английского языка и понять, сможете те ли вы сдать огэ по английскому языку.


Вы услышите четыре коротких диалога (А, В, С, D). Определите, где происходит каждый из этих диалогов. Используйте каждое место действия из списка 1-5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место действия.

Play Аудирование, задание 1

1. In the library
2. In a classroom
3. At the hotel
4. In a shopping centre
5. At the airport

A – 5
B – 3
C – 1
D – 4

Dialogue A
A: Oh, it’s so nice to see you! How was the flight?
B: Fine, but it was a long one.
A: I bet it was. The flight from Australia can’t have been short. And you arrived almost an hour later than was scheduled.
B: Yeah. It was because of the delay in Hong Kong. The weather was awful…
A: I see. But it’s all over and you’re here at last. Let me help you with your luggage.
B: Thanks.

Dialogue В
A: Excuse me, can I have the key to room 209?
B: Yes, here it is.
A: And one more thing.
B: Yes?
А: I’m checking out tomorrow at noon. Can I leave my suitcase in the luggage room till 5 or 6 pm?
B: Yes, you can, no problem.

Dialogue С
A: I’m sorry, but food and drinks are not allowed in the reading room.
B: Sorry, I just wanted to have a sandwich… but I’m already putting it back into my bag. By the way, where can I find something on the history of aviation? I’m writing a report on it.
A: The books on that topic are displayed over there, next to the exit table. But if you need something specific, I would advise you to use our electronic catalogue. It’s there, in the corner of the room.
B: Yes, I will. Thank you.

Dialogue D
A: Excuse me, I’m looking for a Sports Goods shop…
B: Oh, there’s one on this floor - it sells sportswear of all kinds, and’ the other one is on the ground floor - it offers different sports equipment, sleeping bags, tents and so on.
A: Thank you. I need a good sports bag.
B: To the ground floor then. You can’t miss it - it’s next to the cafeteria and there is a large poster advertising sports gear.

Вы услышите пять высказываний (A, B, C, D, E). Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего и утверждениями, данными в списке 1-6. Используйте каждое утверждение из списка 1-6 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение.

Play Аудирование, задание 2

1. The speaker describes his / her dream job.
2. The speaker explains what jobs are most popular with students.
3. The speaker talks about difficulties in making a career choice.
4. The speaker talks about his / her personal work experience.
5. The speaker believes that teenagers should earn their pocket money themselves.
6. The speaker explains how to find a job for summer.

A – 3
B – 1
C – 6
D – 5
E – 4

Speaker A
When I was a small child, I felt irritated when adults asked me about what I wanted to become in the future. They are still asking. It’s irritating, probably because I don’t know the answer. I have no idea what job is right for me and I’m afraid of making the wrong choice. Dad says that I should do different summer or part-time jobs in order to understand what I want. And what if I don’t understand it then? I don’t mind working in the summer but I don’t know what temporary job to apply for.

Speaker В
I’ve always known what I want to do as a career. No, I’m not making ambitious plans about becoming an ingenious scientist, or an astronaut, or a famous actor. I want to work with small children as there’s nothing better than helping the curious explore the world. Working in an infant school would be very rewarding. It wouldn’t actually be a job for me - it would be a privilege because I’d be enjoying every minute of it. If you say it would be difficult - yes, it would be, but it would never get boring.

Speaker С
Lots of teenagers want to get a summer job but not everyone gets one. The most common mistake is that they start looking for a job when the holidays are in full swing. The job search takes time and you should start it months before the holidays. First, make up a list of jobs you would like to do, then find out about the requirements and contact the employers. If you suit each other, leave your information and discuss the date when you are ready to start.

Speaker D
There are usually lots of opportunities for young people to earn money for things like snacks and drinks, outings and accessories. There are always plenty of vacancies for seasonal workers, waiters, couriers, cleaners etc. Being a full-time student is not an excuse to avoid getting a job. I really don’t think that teenagers can understand the value of money and appreciate their families’ care and support until they start working themselves.

Speaker E
I think that doing temporary and part-time jobs does young people lots of good. I had my first summer job at the age of fifteen. I worked as a pizza seller in a fast-food cafe for two months. I still remember how difficult it was - there were always lots of people, it was hot and my legs and arms hurt. Since then I’ve worked as a courier, as a seasonal worker (picking apples and cherries) and as a landscape worker.

Вы услышите беседу двух одноклассников. В заданиях 1-6 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Play Аудирование, задание 3

1. Zach didn’t sleep at night because he

1) felt unwell.
2) wrote a project paper.
3) played a computer game.

2. Sally says that

1) she walks to school.
2) she gets to school by bus.
3) her mother drives her to school.

3. According to Sally, her mother

1) works for a financial company.
2) works as a university teacher.
3) stays at home.

4. Sally says that the most difficult subject for her

1) Maths.
2) French.
3) History.

1) the guitar.
2) the drums.
3) the piano.

6. As for music styles, Sally prefers

1) jazz.
2) rock.
3) pop.

1 – 3
2 – 2
3 – 3
4 – 1
5 – 2
6 – 3

Sally: Are you OK, Zach? Hey, Zach!

Zach: Oh, it’s you, Sally. I was daydreaming.

Sally: You were sleeping, not daydreaming! Did you play computer games all night again?

Zach: Yes, how did you guess?

Sally: That’s easy. Your eyes are red, your reactions are slow, and you look sleepy! And your homework isn’t done.

Zach: OK, you’re right. Just a new game. I couldn’t quit before I reached the fifth level. You wouldn’t understand as you don’t care about computers.

Sally: Why, I do, but I’m not a geek. I have more important things to do than play games for hours.

Zach: Really? And what are you busy with all day long?

Sally: Well, I start with walking my dog. At 8 o’clock sharp I have to be at the picking up point for the school bus. Mum used to drive me to school, but now she’s very busy with my little brother, so I have to go by bus.

Zach: I see. Babies are always trouble.

Sally: No, not at all! He’s a little darling and I love him! Twice a week, when I don’t take my music lessons, I babysit for my mum so that she can read the economic news . She’s got a university degree and worked for a financial firm but she had to quit it because of my brother’s poor health. She’s planning to go back to her career and has to be well informed about everything.

Zach: Yeah, that’s important to stay in the profession. And it’s nice of you to help her so much. But how do you manage to do your own lessons then?

Sally: The main thing is not to put off the assignments till the very last moment.

Zach: I always put them off…

Sally: And it’s important to start with the most difficult subjects - I always do Maths first. Languages and other humanities are easier so French goes the last.

Zach: I see. I find Maths the most difficult, too. And I’m really impressed with your ability to plan your day and stick to the plan. I never do anything on time… I even had to give up my guitar lessons… Do you play an instrument?

Sally: The drums. Mum wanted me to choose the piano, but I think drums are cooler.

Zach: They certainly are. There’re lots of people who play the piano but very few drummers. By the way, my friends are looking for a drummer for their band. Are you interested?

Sally: Well…, yes. What sort of music do they play?

Sally: I see. I prefer pop music too. We learn about other music styles in music classes, like jazz, rock and classical, but you can’t dance to them.

Zach: True. I can introduce you to the guys. You’ll really need my recommendation as no girl’s ever played with them. It’s always been an all-boy pop band.

Sally: It won’t be any more.

Zach: We’ll see.


Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами A-G и заголовками 1-8. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

1. My accommodation in Rome
2. New friends
3. Getting the job
4. The working day
5. Plans for next summer
6. Language experience
7. The top tourist attraction
8. General impressions of the country

A) I’ve just returned from Italy, and it was the most beautiful working holiday anyone could dream of. Yes, I saw the Colosseum with my own eyes! It was built in the first century AD - the amphitheatre could house as many as 50,000 people. It’s difficult to imagine the gladiators fighting there and the public watching the cruel show. There were also fights with lions. Fortunately, there are no lions in the Colosseum now - only cats. And there are a lot of them!

B) The Colosseum was the first thing I wanted to see in Rome, but not the only one that impressed me. I used my camera a lot - Italy is a country with a great cultural heritage. Apart from the views, Italy is a country of delicious food - I’ve never eaten such gorgeous pizzas! I’d have certainly put on some weight if I hadn’t had to walk such a lot - we were saving on transport because Italy is an expensive country.

C) It took us thirty-five minutes every morning to get from the hostel where we were staying to the pizzeria we were working. Our room was very small, it had a poor view, just the house opposite, but that wasn’t a problem - we didn’t spend much time there anyway. We had only the basics in our room - two beds, hangers for clothes, a little table and one chair. There was a laundry downstairs and a shared kitchen to prepare meals.

D) As for the kitchen, we didn’t use it much - we ate at work! Our working day started at 9 am and lasted till 9 pm. We had a long siesta (a break between two and five in the afternoon) which we used for sightseeing in spite of the heat. And in the evening there were usually lots of customers and we had to be quick and attentive so as not to confuse their orders. We felt absolutely exhausted when we came home.

E) Anyway we felt privileged to have got the job. It was Anna, my best friend, who suggested working holidays in Italy. She found the vacancies and sent our CVs to the manager. At first I didn’t know what to say as I wasn’t sure I wanted to work in summer. But on the other hand, the idea of earning my own money and seeing Italy was very attractive.

F) I’m glad I agreed to Anna’s suggestion - we enjoyed living in a new country and meeting new people. Italians are very sociable and easy-going. Our fellow workers showed us lots of interesting places and it was fun to explore the country together. Anna and I really hope that they’ll come to Britain one day and we’ll be able to show them our country too. We are going to keep in touch.

G) We didn’t know Italian when we went there. Some people in the pizzeria spoke English and they helped us a lot. Two weeks later we were able to understand what the customers were asking us about and we spoke basic Italian to them. Italian is beautiful - I like how it sounds and it’s not at all difficult. We plan to go on learning it in case we want to work in the pizzeria again.

A – 7
B – 8
C – 1
D – 4
E – 3
F – 2
G – 6

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 1-8 соответствуют содержанию текста (True), какие не соответствуют (False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (Not stated).

The Dolphins Team

The Dolphins is a relatively new beach service that has been in operation for three years so far, and we are growing fast. The tourist business in the region is booming. More and more people are coming to the Southern Beach every year and our services are in great demand.
We provide a variety of services to the beachgoers. We lend them beach equipment like parasols and beach chairs, we arrange boat tours, snorkelling and diving expeditions. However, first, and foremost, The Dolphins help swimmers who are in danger. We’ve got a highly professional rescue team. Last year we were awarded first prize in the national lifeguard competition in which the best teams of the country took part. Being a lifeguard is a job, not entertainment as some people may think. Anyone who wants to join us has to remember that the duty of a lifeguard is not only to be on watch and save careless holidaymakers but to prevent any dangerous situation for them.
Not only excellent physical condition but strong personal skills are necessary as beachgoers are not always very cooperative. Everyone knows that lifeguards fly flags of different colours: the green one indicates that the sea is calm and there’s no danger for swimmers; the yellow flag means that the weather conditions are not very good - swimmers should be very careful and not go too deep. The red flag indicates that the situation is potentially dangerous and swimming is prohibited. It doesn’t necessarily mean a storm, it could be a strong current, water pollution, the danger of marine animals attacking or something else. Unfortunately, some people ignore it and go into the water anyway. The beach patrol are not the police - we can’t arrest people for disobedience. All we can do is educate people and get them to behave in a civilized way.
This is actually the main reason why we decided to set up our Summer Lifeguard School - we want to make the beach a safer and more civilized place. The school is for children from ten to seventeen who want to spend summer on the beach and learn some lifeguard skills. Anyone who meets the age requirement is admitted. Our instructors will teach them the basic skills of water safety and basic emergency procedures, the language of semaphore (that is how to use flags to transmit a message), how to avoid sunstroke and how to swim in the waves of the sea. Our open-air classes will be useful to everyone. Reckless divers and swimmers will understand that no one, no matter how sporty they are, can be absolutely free of risk in the sea. Those who are afraid to step into the water will learn to control their fear and will learn to swim (under the very close supervision of our instructors).
On completing the summer course, the children will be awarded our Summer Lifeguard School Certificate and we hope some of them will join The Dolphins in the future. To do so, they will have to wait until they turn 18 and gain the Professional Lifeguard Certificate.

1. The Southern Beach offers tourists lots of different services.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

2. The Dolphins main responsibility is to save drowning swimmers.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

3. The Dolphins rescue team is the only professional team in the country.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

4. Due to the weather conditions The Dolphins have to fly a red flag very often.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

5. The Dolphins perform the function of the police patrol on the beach.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

6. Children who are afraid of swimming can join Summer Lifeguard School, too.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

7. On completing the course, the children take an end-of-course exam.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

8. Children who complete the Summer Lifeguard School can work as lifeguards.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

1 – True
2 – True
3 – False
4 – Not stated
5 – False
6 – True
7 – Not stated
8 – False


Time was running out. The game was exciting and dynamic but the score was still 0-0. Jim couldn’t take his eyes off the TV and __(NOT HEAR)__ when his father came into the room.

“Who __(PLAY)__ ?” he asked.
“The Spanish Club and the Portuguese,” Jim __(KNOW)__ that his dad was not a fan and didn’t go into details.
“Who are you supporting?”
“The Spanish. If the team __(MANAGE)__ to win this game, it’ll get to the final.”
“They will. The final score will be 2-1 to the Spanish Club.”

Jim turned to his dad: “How do you know?”
“It’s not me. A colleague of __(I)__ has predicted the results of ten matches.

No mistake yet. Today’s the __(TEN)__ game.”
Jim looked at his father again. “Sounds a bit crazy. But if I were able to predict the results of the game…”
“If you were able to predict it, it __(NOT BE)__ interesting to watch football at all.

Are you hungry by the way? I __(ORDER)__ some pizza. Will you join me?”
“Yes, sure,” Jim turned to his father. “But I still __(NOT CAN)__ understand…” And at that very moment the Spanish forward scored the first goal.

did not hear
is playing
would not be
have ordered

Преобразуйте слова таким образом, чтобы они грамматически и по смыслу подходили к контексту.

Lana switched off the TV. So many channels and nothing interesting on! There were several talk shows on __(DIFFER)__ channels but she liked none of them.

The talk on __(ENVIRONMENT)__ problems was boring,
and she wasn’t in the mood to listen to a __(POLITICS)__ talking about the government’s social programme.
She didn’t like the film on the next channel either. The plot seemed to be weak and confusing and even the __(FAME)__ actors were not able to save it.

The women’s figure skating __(CHAMPION)__ held Lana’s attention for a few minutes.
However, it didn’t last long - she wasn’t a fan and it made her feel __(BORE)__ too. She was glad to hear the phone ringing and hurried to answer it.

Вопрос, который задают или задавали себе почти все репетиторы по английскому языку. Сегодня я расскажу Вам, как ответила на него себе несколько лет назад. И прибавлю несколько советов от себя в настоящем.

Но сначала немного о самих экзаменах.


Экзамен ОГЭ предназначен для выпускающихся из 9 класса и рассчитан на уровень владения языком Pre-Intermediate (соответствует A2 и B1 по шкале CEFR, в ОГЭ есть задания обоих уровней).

Экзамен ЕГЭ сдают выпускники 11 класса, необходимый уровень знания английского для его успешной сдачи – Upper-Intermediate (там есть задания как базового уровня (А2), так и задания повышенной сложности (B2)). То есть, примерно уровень экзамена FCE.

Но если Вы прорешаете вариант ОГЭ или ЕГЭ, заметите несколько сложностей-отличий от международных экзаменов, вроде того же FCE:

  • не все задания соответствуют заявленному уровню. В этом году на ЕГЭ текст задания 3 в разделе “Чтение” был уровня Advanced (С1).
  • ваша логика рассуждений может не совпадать с логикой авторов теста. В некоторых заданиях правильный ответ может противоречить здравому смыслу (особенно это относится к заданию 3 из разделов “Аудирование” и “Чтение”).

Подробнее узнать об этих экзаменах и о том, как к ним готовить, можно следующими способами:

  • Пройти курсы по подготовке.
  • Получить консультацию опытного репетитора, а лучше эксперта.
  • Самому все узнать и прочитать.

Первые два способа комментировать не буду, остановлюсь на последнем, так как этой тропой идет большинство репетиторов.

Самостоятельная подготовка

Самостоятельно, на мой взгляд, эффективно строить работу по подготовке к экзамену следующим образом:

  1. Прорешать демоверсию экзамена и проверить себя по ключам.
  2. Просмотреть задания с ошибками и подумать, что нужно повторить, чтобы их избежать.
  3. Прочитать информацию об экзаменах на сайте ФИПИ, особенно кодификатор и методические рекомендации .
  4. Ознакомиться с имеющимися учебниками по ОГЭ и ЕГЭ, планами подготовки (можно в этом блоге в соответствующих разделах).

С учебниками надо держать ухо востро. Многие пособия в спешке выпускаются перед началом учебного года, и в них могут быть ошибки или неверная информация об экзамене. Например,когда я начинала готовить к ЕГЭ, следовала рекомендациям из учебника Музлановой справа, вот одна из них: “Когда начинаете ответ в Задании 2 Устной части, начните его так, как бы вы начали в реальной ситуации: Hello, I’m going to visit your hotel but I would like to ask a few questions first”. Если следовать этому совету, на экзамене не хватит времени на постановку первого вопроса, потому что ученик ограничен по времени, и потеряет балл.

Как показала практика, пособиям Вербицкой и Солововой можно доверять. Остальным – “доверять, но проверять”.

Берем ученика

Все нужное узнали, можно давать объявление и искать учеников.

В объявлении можно признаться, что к этим экзаменам еще не готовили, но все о них знаете. Но это снизит вероятность того, что к вам обратятся клиенты. А можно не упоминать, если не спросят в лоб. И поставить цену на подготовку ниже среднего ценника. Что выбрать – решать Вам.

Что делать при первой встрече?

У меня первое занятие – ознакомительное. Проходит оно следующим образом:

  1. Знакомство и рассказ о цели занятия.
  2. Разговор на английском о том, о сем.
  3. Грамматический тест.
  4. Беседа с родителями и учеником.

Основная задача первой встречи – понять примерный уровень ученика и рассказать родителям и самому ученику, как с ним нужно работать. После разговора и небольшого теста становится понятно, кто сидит перед вами. Если цель – подготовка к ОГЭ, то можно брать и с уровнем Elementary, а вот с “ЕГЭшниками” сложнее:

  • Beginner/Elementary – если встреча с учеником состоялась в 11 классе, то подготовить на достойный балл очень сложно. Или вы отказываетесь от такого клиента, или берете с условием, что вытянуть его даже на 60 баллов вряд ли получится. Больший балл – чудо, которое случится при больших усилиях ученика/ языковых способностях/ хорошем расположении звезд в день экзамена.
  • Pre-Intermediate – за два года реально подготовить на хороший балл. За один – вряд ли, брать в этом случае или не брать – на ваше усмотрение.
  • Intermediate/Upper-Intermediate. Здесь можно брать и в 11 классе со спокойной душой. При должных усилиях 80 баллов достижимы.

Весь описанный расклад верен только при незначительных пропусках занятий и выполнении всех домашних заданий, иначе сложно делать какие-то прогнозы.

Если и клиента и меня все устраивает, даю на дом прорешать вариант ОГЭ/ЕГЭ, чтобы иметь представление о сильных и слабых сторонах.


Исходя из начальных данных и того, что нужно сделать, набрасываем план подготовки. Обязательно сохраним пробный вариант экзамена, который писали в самом начале, чтобы потом можно было увидеть траекторию движения в лучшую или худшую сторону.

Каждые школьные каникулы я даю ученикам вариант экзамена для прорешивания, чтобы видеть результаты работы. Результаты обсуждаем с учеником и его родителями.

Если ученик “халявит”, составляю учет несделанных заданий и пропущенных занятий, чтобы наглядно показать, почему так мало успеваем и заветный балл от нас все время ускользает.

P.S. Разбор экзаменационных заданий с объяснением стратегии их выполнения можно почитать в соответствующем разделе по и .
Также можно ознакомиться с моими по подготовке к каждому экзамену.

Закончи предложения .

Eating out in America

Eating out in America is an easy and common thing. There are eating places of every sort, informal and small or formal, expensive or inexpensive, and with the food of any country you might like. You choose depending on your purse and mood. If you are going to informal restaurant or café you don’t have to make a reservation first. But if you are going to a respectable restaurant it’s a good idea to reserve a table in advance, otherwise you may not get in. When you finally get your table you are given a menu by the waiter or waitress if it is a café. They give you a little time to look it over and then the person waiting on you comes back and takes your order. Typically you would order a salad; lettuce salad is often the only choice, a main course, and a desert. When you are ready to leave you ask for the bill. Americans often pay with a credit card. After the waiter brings back the receipt you put a 15% on the tray in cash, as tips.

    Eating out in America is…

    Simple b) unusual c) difficult

    You choose depending on …

    Location b) amount of money c) your age

    If you are going to a respectable restaurant…

    Invite your friends

    Typically they order…

    Three courses b) only starter c) only desert

    After the waiter brings back the receipt….

    You only pay for the bill

    You leave a small sum of money

    You leave your credit card.

A , B , C , для каждого пропуска.

My brother, his wife, and their two daughters came to visit me and I promised the girls to take them (6)___an amusement park. I don’t really like roller coasters, but I knew the kids would like it. (7)___Saturday morning, we drove down to the theme park. We parked and took a shuttle to the park entrance. We looked (8)____the ticket prices and decided to buy a day pass for each of us. Maria, the younger (9)___the two kids, is only 2 years old, and children (10)___three get in free. The first thing we did was stand in line (11)___the biggest attraction in the park: a really big roller coaster. After that we planned to meet near the fountain to watch the parade (12)___2 o’clock. I really don’t like roller coasters. When we got (13)___, I felt queasy and had to sit down (14)___a few minutes before I could walk again. All in all, we had a good day (15)___the amusement park. But, it will be long time (16)___I go on a roller coaster again!

Faryl Smith is (17)____(Britain) teen mezzo-soprano who became (18)____(fame) after appearing on television talent show Britain’s Got talent in 2008. Throughout the (19)____(compete) she was the (20)____(favour), but she finished outside the top three in the live final. After the show, she, unlike other (21)___(final), signed a contract with (22)____(universe) Classics and Jazz. Her debut album, Faryl, came out in March 2009. Smith’s second album was Wonderland. The album was well-received by critics, but was not (23)____(success) in the charts. In (24)____(add) to the album she performed at numerous events, including the 2009 Royal variety (25)____(perform). Faryl Smith lives with her parents in Kettering, where she is currently taking a gap year before applying to the Royal Academy of Music.

Закончи предложения .

Going to the Theatre

Many big towns in England have professional theatres now. There are about 200 professional theatres in Great Britain but London is the centre of theatrical activity. There are over thirty important theatres in the West End. The Royal Opera House at Covent Garden is the home of opera and ballet. Some theatres stage ‘classics’ and serious drama. A lot of English people are fond of light comedy and musicals. They are very popular in England. The evening performances begin at 7.30 or 8.00 p.m. there is a rush hour at this time in the West End. A lot of people come out of nearby underground station, taxis and private cars drop theatre-goers outside the entrance to each theatre. There is another rush hour when the performances are over. It is certainly not easy to book a seat for a good play in London though the seats are not cheap. That is why some people prefer matinees (they start at 1-3 p.m.) but you will never see famous stars in these performances.

    There are over 200 professional theatres in Britain but London is a_____.

    The Royal Opera House is a_______.

    A lot of English people are fond of_______.

    There is a rush hour in the West End______.

    It is not easy to book a seat for a good play in London though_____.

    Some people prefer matinees but_______.

    Not very serious performances.

    Theatrical centre.

    The tickets are very expensive.

    After the working day.

    They can’t see famous actors there.

    Place where you can see ballet and opera performances.

Прочитайте рассказ и выберите подходящий ответ A , B , C , для каждого пропуска.

The laws (7)____Chess and the (8)____of the (9)_____Chess pieces have been the (10)____since the sixth century of the second millennium. The game was (11)____in China in the 2 nd century B.C. but it is not until the 7 th century that (12)____is a reference to the (13)____in literature. The first (14)___of Chess is found in a Persian poem. In Russia folk poems Chess is mentioned as a popular game. The growing (15)____ of Chess is proved by a lot of literature that (16)____printed over the last two centuries.

Прочитайте текст. Используйте слова, написанные в скобках, для образования слов так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.

The Lion and the Mouse

A Lion (17)___(sleep). A Mouse (18)____(run) over his body. He (19)____(wake) and (20)____(catch) her. The Mouse said:”Let me go, and I (21)___(do) you a favour!” The Lion laughed:”What can (22)___(mouse) do to help a lion? I am (23)___(strong0than all of you” but her go. Then the hunters (24)____(catch) the Lion and tired him with a rope to a tree. The Mouse (25)___(hear) the Lion’s roar, (26)___(run), gnawed (перегрызла) the rope through, and said:”You (27)___(remember0? You laughed, not thinking that I (28)____(can) repay, but now you see that a favour may come from a (29)___(small) and (30)___(weak) animal.

In old times (31)___(Egypt) children played similar games to the ones they play today. They also played with dolls, toy soldiers (32)____(wood) animals, balls, marbles, spinning tops. Most children in Egypt didn’t go to school. Instead boys learnt (33)____(farm) or other trades from their fathers. Girls learnt (34)___(sew), (35)___(cook) and other skills from their mothers. Boys from (36)____(wealth) families sometimes learnt to be scribes. They learnt by (37)____(COPY) and (38)____(memorise) and discipline was strict. (39)____(teach) beat naughty boys. The boys learnt reading and (40)____(write) and also mathematics.

Test 13

True ) или неправильные ( False )

The exercise craze

Old and young, men and women are jogging, dancing, jumping up and down, bending and stretching. Exercise is in fashion. Everybody wants to be fit, feel good, look slim, and stay young. It started with jogging. Millions of Americans put on their new coloured sports shoes and fashionable jogging suits and ran through the parks or along the streets for half an hour a day. Then the joggers got the marathon craze. Popular marathons are now held everywhere. Lots of people want to see if they can run 42 kms and do it faster than everyone else. The big city marathons, in London and New York, are important sporting events. Television cameras and newspapers report them in detail. Some remarkable people take part in the marathons: seventy-five year old grandfathers and nine year old grandchildren, and even disabled in wheelchairs. But marathons are not for everyone. Some prefer to get fit at home. For them, there’s a big choice of books, cassettes and video programmers with music and instructions. Sometimes the action is more like dancing than exercises. That’s why one big company calls it ‘ Dancercise’. Taking exercise is only one part of keeping fit. You’ve got to get slim too. Books and magazines about slimming are bestsellers and these days.

    Everybody is doing it, old and young, men and women._____

    Millions of Americans ran through the parks or along the streets._______

    The big city marathons, in London, New York, are important sporting events._____

    Everyone takes part in marathons.______

    People can’t get fit at home._______

Прочитайте рассказ и выберите подходящий ответ A , B , C , для каждого пропуска.

Water – the Stuff of Life!

What would we do without water? Every (6)___thing needs water. The Earth is the only planet that has water on it, and it is the only planet that has water on it, and it is the only planet known to support life. The Earth is (7)___covered with water. Over three-quarters of the (8)___of the surface is water. Water fills oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. There is also a large amount of water that we (9)___, underground. Most water is in liquid form, but water (10)___also exist in solid ice form, in places (11)___it is very cold. Water can also be in gas form, such as in clouds and as fog. Foggy weather means (12)___there is a lot of water in the air. Without water, (13)____on the Earth would die. All plants and animals need water (14)___ live. People and animals usually get their water (15)___the lakes and streams around them. However, in some countries, people get their water from salty oceans and seas. They must (16)___remove the salt to get drinkable water. How (17)___ desert trees survive in places where there is no water? Plants and trees get their water from the ground (18)___their roots. Their roots must dig deep to get the water (19)___need. Water is the stuff of life!

Прочитайте текст. Используйте слова, написанные в скобках, для образования слов так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.

Hobbies are usual (20)____(active) for people who lead quiet, relaxed lives. However, people with full, busy, even (21)_____(stress) lives may need hobbies more than the average person. For those who feel (22)___(worry) by (23)___(responsible), it may be difficult to find the time to sit and relax. Hobbies can help people feel that they’re not just ‘sitting around’, but are using their time for something (24)___(product). Many hobbies include group (25)____(product): golfing clubs, knitting circles, and (26)____(create) writing groups are good examples. Hobbies that connect you with others can bring social support, which can bring (27)_____(mean) to life.

The Tale of two Frogs

A group of frogs (28)____(travel) through the woods, and two of them (29)___(fall) into a deep pit when the others (30)___(see) how deep the pit was, they (31)___(tell) the two frogs that they (32)____(be) as good as dead. One of the frogs (33)___(give) up and (34)___(die). The other frog continued to jump as hard as he (35)___(can). Once again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just die. He jumped even (36)___(hard) and (37)____(final) (38)___(make) it out. When he (39)____(get) out, the other frogs said, “(40)___(not hear) you us?” the frog explained to them: “I (41)____(think) you (42)___(encourage) me.”

Test 14

Отметьте предложения как правильные ( True ) или неправильные ( False )

Most British and American state schools provide their students with the option to eat lunch at school, but do they provide them with the option to eat well? Jamie Oliver is one of Britain’s most popular stars. He’s a young cook whose TV and cookery programmes are watched by millions. In his last TV series, he tried to make British school dinner both eatable and healthy. He showed just how poor many school diets were. Many of them contained too many fats and carbohydrates and not enough vitamins. His campaign to get tastier and healthier school meals called Feed me better has caused politicians to take the problem seriously and promise to improve the quality of food on school dinner plates. Obesity is on the increase in all western countries. The biggest causes are bad diet and people being less active than they were in the past. Some people allege that schools also make the problem worse because they allow the sale of fizzy drinks and sugary snacks in school tuck shops and vending machines. Other people believe that advertising is to blame. UK politicians are promoting a voluntary agreement to stop junk food advertising at times when younger children watch the television.

    Most teens don’t have healthy food at school________

    Jamie Oliver is a famous school teacher.______

    J. Oliver’s aim is to change meal at school.______

    Teens are getting fatter in western countries.______

    School canteens don’t serve fast food.______

    Adverts learn teens to eat fast food.______

Прочитайте рассказ и выберите подходящий ответ A , B , C , для каждого пропуска.

What’s (7)___with Junk Food

Too much fat! Hamburgers, pizza, fried chicken and chips (8)___ contain lots of bad fats. Too much fat leads to obesity and it is a risk (9)___the health and causes different (10)___. There is too much salt in junk food. It’s also (11)___ . There is too (12)___ sugar! It spoils teeth and is bad (13)___the blood. Of course, the body needs some fat, salt and sugar for energy (14)___while we (15)___. Probably, it is OK to eat junk food sometimes. Choose grilled fish and chicken instead of fried, vegetarian pizza instead of (16)___meat type pizza.

B are working and playing

C have worked and played

Прочитайте текст. Используйте слова, написанные в скобках, для образования слов так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.

At home, robots can be as helpful as or even (17)___(good) than a human being. Early in the morning when we (18)___(sleep), a small robot can (19)___(bring) us some coffee, even add some spices to the coffee. In the future many disabled people (20)___(have) a domestic robot which (21)____(perform) specific and detailed functions in order (22)___(help) them. The future of robots (23)___(look) bright. A new medical robot (24)___(make) its way to hospitals around the world. This robot (25)___(perform) many surgeries last year, and the company (26)___(look)bat about a 55% increase in its use next year. There (27)___(be) also a Dutch robot (28)___(call) the “TankPitstop” that (29)___(fill) the gas in people’s cars without any help. Sumsung, an electronics company, (30)___(make) a security robot that detects danger. Robots seem to give benefits to the world but there (31)___(be) negative elements about them, for example, people can lose jobs because of the robots.

Lucky British Students

For the last three years, a group of (32)___(luck) 8-10- year-olds have taken part in an (33)___-(excite) experiment: to see if replacing (34)___(tradition) pencil and paper with hi-tech (35)___(interact) desks would help to improve their math skills! 400 students from North East Britain took part in the research project aimed at classroom (36)___(learn) through technology. The new type of desks allowed the (37)___(teach) to give math problems to the students to solve solo or as a group. What was even cooler was that the (38)___(educate) could (39)___(interactive) give (40)___(differ) problems to (41)__(differ) groups and send one group’s answer to another, to see if they agreed.

Test 15

Поставьте все части текста в нужной логической последовательности .

    Tea means two things. It is a drink and a meal! Some people have afternoon tea, with sandwiches, cakes, and, of course, a cup of tea. Cream teas are popular. You have scones (a kind of cake) with cream and jam.

    A traditional English breakfast is a very big meal- sausages, bacon, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms. But nowadays many people just have cereal with milk and sugar, or toast with marmalade, jam or honey. Marmalade and jam are not the same. Marmalade is made from oranges and jam is made from other fruit. The traditional breakfast drink is tea, which people have with cold milk. Some people have coffee, often instant coffee, which is made with hot water. Many visitors to Britain find this coffee disgusting.

    British like food from other countries, too, especially Italian, French, Chinese and Indian. People often get take-away meals. You buy the food at the restaurant and then bring it home to eat. Eating in Britain is quite international.

    On Sunday many families have a traditional lunch. They have roast meat, either feef, lamb, chicken or pork, with potatoes, vegetables and gravy. Gravy is a sauce made from the meat juices.

    For many people lunch is a quick meal, in cities there are a lot of sandwiches bars, where office workers can choose the kind of bread they want-brown, white or a roll-and then all sorts of salad and meat or fish to go in the sandwich. Pubs often serve good, cheap food, both hot and cold. School children can have a hot meal at school, but many just take a snack from home.

    The evening meal is the main meal of the day for many people. They usually have it quite early, between 6 and 8 p. m., and often the whole family eats together.

Прочитайте рассказ и выберите подходящий ответ A , B , C , для каждого пропуска.

Yesterday I was very angry with my classmates at school because they broke my calculator. I began fighting. While I was fighting, I got a (7)___. In the evening I was sent to (8)___by my parents. The doctor examined my eyes and advised me to wear dark glasses. Then he gave me a (9)_____ because he wanted to take my temperature. The temperature wasn’t high. But I didn’t want to go to school and I said that I had a splitting (10)___. The doctor asked the (11)___to give me some medicine for my headache. “You should take the (12)___three times a day”, he said. When I was going home I slipped, fell and (13)____my leg. I was sent to the local hospital again. The doctor (14)___my leg and put a bandage round my knee and helped me to sit in a(n) (15)___and I was moved to the ward. The (16)___were all asleep in their beds. I wanted to (17)___. In the morning the nurse brought the syringe (шприц) for injections. I was a afraid of them, but the doctor was afraid of complications. In some days I felt (18)___ and left the hospital.

Прочитайте текст. Используйте слова, написанные в скобках, для образования слов так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.

Survey Questions on Amusement Parks

(19)___(visit) you ever ___an amusement park? If so, what (20)___(be) it called? Where (21)___(be)? What (22)___(be) the best amusement park you have ever visited? Why? What (23)____(be) your favourite/worst ride or activity? Why? How regularly (24)____(visit) you ___amusement parks? (25)___(can) you think of a ride that is both enjoyable and popular? (26)___(be) you afraid of going on scary amusement park rides? What (27)___(be) some famous amusement parks near where you live? (28)___(be) you____-to them? How much (29)___(cost) it___to enter? What rides (30)__(be)___this amusement park famous for? (31)__(have)___you____ any plans to go to an amusement park in the near future?

Ideas Change the World

Centuries ago the libraries in monasteries were the places to hide books. The (32)___(invent) of the (33)___(print) press unlocked the information, opened the books to the public. It marked a great (34)____(politics), economic and (35)___(culture) change. When computers were invented in the 20 th century, they were viewed (36)___(original) as engines to do (37)___(calculate). A group of (38)____(America) (39)___(science) began to look at computers as ways to communicate. They had an (40)____(instinct) (41)___(feel) that electronic (communicate) could become of general use. They believed that the introduction of script technology could make everyone a (42)___(publish) in the situation of the explosion in the information distribution. It was (43)___(possible) to imagine for the original (44)___(invent) of the printing press!

Test 11: 1-a, 2- b, 3- c, 4- a, 5- b, 6- c, 7- a, 8- a, 9- b, 10-b, 11- c, 12- b, 13- c, 14- c, 15- a, 16- a, 17- British, 18- famous, 19- competition, 20- favourite, 21- finalists, 22- universal, 23- successful, 24- addition, 25- performance.

Test 12:1- b, 2- f, 3- a, 4-d, 5- c, 6- e, 7-b, 8- b, 9- b, 10-a, 11- a, 12- b, 13- b, 14- a, 15-c, 16- c, 17- was sleeping, 18- ran, 19- woke, 20-caught, 21- will do, 22- mice, 23- stronger, 24- caught, 25- heard, 26- ran, 27- don’t remember, 28- are able to, 29- smaller, 30- weaker, 31- Egyption,32- wooden, 33- farming, 34- sewing, 35- cooking, 36- wealthy, 37- copying, 38- memorizing, 39- teachers, 40- writing.

Test 13:1- T, 2- T, 3- T, 4- F, 5- F, 6- a, 7- c, 8- c, 9- b, 10- c, 11- a, 12- a, 13- b, 14- a, 15-c, 16-a, 17-b, 18-a, 19-c, 20- actively, 21- stressful, 22- worried, 23- responsibility, 24- productive, 25- activities, 26- creative, 27- meaning, 28- were travelling, 29- fell, 30- saw, 31- told, 32- were, 33- gave, 34- died, 35- could, 36- harder, 37- finally, 38- made, 39- got, 40- didn’t you hear, 41- thought, 42- were encouraging,

Test 14:1- T, 2-F, 3- T, 4-T, 5- F, 6- T, 7- c, 8- b, 9- b, 10- c, 11-b, 12-c, 13-b, 14- a, 15- b 16-c, 17- better, 18- are sleeping, 19- bring, 20-will have, 21- will perform, 22- to help, 23- looks, 24- is making, 25- has performed, 26- is looking for, 27- is, 28- called, 29- fills, 30- made, 31- are, 32- lucky, 33- exciting, 34- traditional, 35- interactive, 36- learning, 37- teacher, 38- education, 39- interactively, 40- different, 41- different.

Test 15: 1- B, 2- E, 3-A, 4- F, 5-D, 6- C,7-b, 8- a, 9-c, 10- c, 11- a, 12- c, 13- b, 14- b, 15- c, 16- c, 17- a, 18- b, 19- have visited, 20- was, 21- was, 22- was, 23- is, 24- do visit, 25- could, 26- are, 27- are, 28- have been, 29- does cost, 30- is, 31- did have, 32- invention, 33- printed, 34- political, 35- cultural, 36- originally, 37- calculations, 38- American, 39- scientists, 40- instinctive, 41- feeling, 42- communication, 43- publisher, 44- impossible, 45- invention..

Пробный ОГЭ по английскому языку 2015-2016 уч.год

Задание №1 (№FABF6E ) Вы услышите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных А, B, C и D. Определите, где происходит каждый из этих диалогов. Используйте каждое место действия из списка 1–5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место действия. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

Место действия :

1) At a skating rink

2) At home

3) At the doctor’s

4) In a café

5) In a shop

Задание №2 (№3 E 8130) Вы услышите пять высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A–E и утверждениями, данными в списке 1–6. Используйте каждое утверждение из списка 1–6 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение.

Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.


The speaker talks about

1) his/her career in music.

2) a film he/she enjoys.

3) changes in music preferences.

4) the role of music in films.

5) a negative childhood experience.

6) a musical instrument

Задание №3 №4 B 0 CEE Вы услышите разговор студентки языковой школы и хозяина дома, в котором она живёт. В заданиях А1–А6 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды .

3 How long was Jane’s English course?

1) Less than one month.

2) One month.

3) Longer than one month.

4 What’s Mr. Grey’s profession?

1) Teacher.

2) Musician.

3 Journalist.

5 What foreign language does Mr. Grey speak?

1) French.

2) Russian.

3) Arabic.

6 What aspect of English does Jane find the most difficult?


2) Writing.

3) Listening.

7 Where is Jane going to spend next summer?

    At home.


    3)At her granny’s.

8 What does Jane want to buy before her departure?




9 Задание №B4148 Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами А–G и заголовками 1–8. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок .

1) The symbols of London

2) Means of travelling

3) World record holder

4) A sweet in the street

5) On the road

6) A healthy but difficult choice

7) An unusual hobby

8) Conflict over roads

A)The British are enthusiastic about mobility. They think that the ability to travel far and frequently is their right. People can spend up to two or three hours commuting to London or another big city and arrive back at their homes in the countryside only late in the evening. They put up with the long journey because they want their families to avoid the unhealthy lifestyle of big cities.

B)Most journeys to work are made by private road transport. It leads to the pollution so familiar to many big cities, and to traffic jams. Congestion is especially high in Britain because the British do not welcome the idea of building new roads. They don’t like living close to them. Each proposal to build a new road is criticised so it’s not easy to improve the road situation.

C)Perhaps because the trains were the first means of transport in Britain many people still have a romantic outlook on them. Thousands of train-lovers spend a lot of time looking for information about trains, especially old steam engines. Many enthusiasts spend their free time restoring and repairing old trains. They even earn some money by offering rides to tourists.

D)It is possible to travel between any two towns or cities by either road or rail. In some parts of the country there is a very good rail network but most commercially successful trains run between London and the largest cities in the country. By modern European standards British trains are not fast. Coach services are generally even slower than trains but are much cheaper. It explains why they are still in use.

E)Britain is one of the few countries in Europe where double-decker buses are a common sight. Although single-deckers have been in use since 1960s, London still has many double-deckers in operation. They are world-famous, an image associated with the city. Another London icon is the black taxi. Normally, these traditional taxis cannot be hired by phone. You simply have to find one on the street.

F)In 1953, most schoolchildren walked to school. For this reason, school crossing patrols were introduced. This ‘patrol’ consists of an adult wearing a bright waterproof coat and carrying a stick with a circle on top of it, which reads ‘STOP’. Armed with this ‘lollipop’, the adult walks out into the middle of the road, stops the traffic and allows the children to cross.

G)On 9 January 2013, the London Underground (or the Tube) celebrated 150 years since the first underground journey. It is both the world"s oldest underground railway and the oldest rapid transit system. It was also the first underground railway to operate electric trains. The Underground has 268 stations and 400 km of track, making it the longest metro system in the world by route length.

10 Прочитайте текст . Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated).


Many Americans enjoy running marathons – a forty-two kilometer race. More than three hundred marathons were held in the United States last year and that number is expected to grow.

The New York City marathon is held every year on the first Sunday of November. It is a big sporting event with thousands of participants. One can see celebrities and famous sportsmen among the marathon runners. A famous cyclist, whose excellent physical condition helped him complete the marathon in less than three hours, admitted that the race was ‘the hardest physical thing he had ever done’.

While the New York City marathon is the biggest, the Boston Marathon is the oldest one. Boston’s is held in April. Boston is famous for the fact that Roberta Gibb became the first woman to unofficially run that marathon in 1966. At that time, people did not believe women could run marathons. The Olympics did not hold a women’s marathon event until 1984 in Los Angeles, California.

Today’s marathons welcome everyone. The popularity of the sport has spread among people who are interested in health and fitness. Many middle-aged people like to spend a weekend visiting a new city and running a marathon there. Some magazines call the middle-aged people of today the ‘marathon generation’. Forty-three percent of marathon runners in the United States are 40 years old or older. There are many organisations for marathoners. Nowadays many local running clubs offer training programmes that can prepare runners for the big race.

A marathon really starts several months before the race. You need to run about five days every week to prepare. Most runs should be for half an hour. You should also try to run for an hour or more each Sunday. This is a very basic way for an average runner to prepare.

What you can’t prepare for is running in a big marathon with thousands of other participants. A marathon is in many ways a social event. There is a sense of community. The spectators are as much a part of the race as the runners. Almost every age group is present. At the start of the race there is a lot of shouting as the runners want to release some tension. They have three to five hours of hard running ahead of them.

However, there are people who want to run farther. For them ultra-marathons are organised that take running to a different level. An ultra-marathon is any race longer than a marathon. One of the oldest ultra-marathons is held annually in California, USA. It is 160 kilometers long. Last year, 210 people finished the race. The winner, Graham Cooper, finished in eighteen hours and seventeen minutes.

10 Marathons in the USA are held in different seasons.

1)True 2)False 3)Not stated

11 The well-trained athlete finds a marathon a difficult activity.

1)True 2)False 3)Not stated

12 Training for a marathon includes special diets.

1)True 2)False 3)Not stated

13 People who are over forty are not allowed to take part in marathons.

1)True 2)False 3)Not stated

14 A marathon with a large number of participants is called an ultra-marathon.

1)True 2)False 3)Not stated

15 In the 20th century doctors believed that marathons were harmful for women.

1)True 2)False 3)Not stated

16 At the start of a marathon the runners keep silent to save energy.

1)True 2)False 3)Not stated

17 The best way to prepare for a marathon is to join a running club.

1)True 2)False 3)Not stated

    Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст.

Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 18–24

People of all ages like cartoons. We went to the cinema yesterday to see an action film when, suddenly, I ___________a poster for a cartoon.

18 SEE

I’m the _________among my friends, so I wasn’t sure they’d want to see the cartoon too, but they did. Even Mike didn’t mind.


I ___________the action film anyway. Let’s watch a cartoon for a change,” he said.

20 SEE

It was a story about four _________ .


They saved an injured cat that___________ Bart.


The cat recovered but ___________to leave his new friends.


They had funny adventures together. “I think I ________ the cartoon again, together with my girlfriend.” Mike said on the way home.


    25 - 29 Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст.

Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию.

I do sports_______Life is impossible without motion and people can’t live if they are not active. I’ve been into sports since my childhood.


When I was seven, a karate _________, who trained my elder brother, said that I should


exercise a lot to look sporty and ___________.


He was right – I was too fat and looked _____________.


My parents and I followed his advice and now I’m quite happy with the way I look and feel.


30 You have 30 minutes to do this task. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend,

...My parents want me to do music. It’s not what I really want to do but I have no choice. I’ve promised my parents to take at least 20 lessons. It means I won’t have any free time for about three months! Awful, isn’t it?...

What do you do in your free time? What kind of music do you like? What musical instrument would you like to play, if any?...

Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.

Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Устная часть

Task 1 . You need to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.

The ninth planet of the solar system was discovered not long ago. It happened in 1930. Scientists had been hunting for the planet for a long time. They had calculated its probable position but there was no proof that the planet really existed. It was too far away for the telescopes of that time to find it. It’s worth mentioning that the first photos of the planet were taken by a very young researcher. He was only twenty-four and had no formal education in astronomy. However he was deeply involved in the search for the ninth planet. The planet at the edge of the solar system was called Pluto, after the Roman god. The name for the planet was suggested by an 11-year-old British girl.

Task 2. Take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions.

Give full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 60 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 2

Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Dolphin Sports Club. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out how people feel about doing sports in our region. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous – you don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.

Electronic assistant: How old are you?

Electronic assistant: How many times a week do you do sports?


Electronic assistant: What sport is the most popular with teenagers in your region?

Student: ________________________

Electronic assistant: What sports facilities are available in the place where you live?

Student: _________________________

Electronic assistant: Why do you think it is important to keep fit?

Student: ________________________

Electronic assistant: What would you advise a person who wants to keep fit?

Student: ________________________

Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about photography. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Remember to say:

why people like taking pictures

why taking photos is more popular today than it was in the past

what the best photo you have ever taken is

You have to talk continuously.